League Of Legends Patch Download 2018

  • Published on Apr 17, 2017
  • DOWNLOAD LINK: bit.ly/lolautoscriptdownload2018
    This is the newest update of AUTOSCRIPT. You can download it for free with the link above.
    AUTOSCRIPT assists you while you play Lol. Don’t be surprised if your Lol ranking will be instantly jump from Bronze to Platinum or Gold. The scripting program will help you with this:
    - Automatic the mechanical attack part of the champ, basically all the Q, W, E, R keys attack. It will give you automatic non human accuracy, response time, and casing speed, and of course cast at the best moment whenever possible.
    - The script helps you to evade attacks from enemies. You will be able to automatically evade Jinx ult rocket, every Xearth shots, and all Nidalee spears….and even Blitz pull from the fog!
    It helps you to records where and when did the enemies appear on map and show to you in minimap, also record all known enemies’ wards location
    - It will alarm you when an enemy gaining less experience and it means there is another enemy hiding somewhere near him, very likely a jungle is hiding somewhere near that enemy champ.
    It will show you all mouse click location of enemies so you know someone just clicked around you and coming to you before you even see him on map.
    - It will automatically active offensive/defensive weapons at the best timing, and use pots/other utilities/summoner spells when you need.
    - It can totally control your champ to 100% play the game 24 hours a day to farm IP/EXP but it is only smart enough for coop vs AI or ARAM games.
    - It let you have “baseult” which means you can use champs like Jinx, Ezreal to case ult miles away from enemy base and hit them at the moment they finish recall and appear at base, they will just die at their base!
    - It shows you the range of your abilities

Vi Guide

This is a League of Legends Blog hosting the latest in League of Legends news and strategy guides. Patch 8.24 Tier List. 2018 Best Champions Tier List - Solo Queue Ranked Ladder Climbing - Patch 8.4 Update. Patch 8.4 Update Feb 24, 2018 6:38 PM Leave a Comment. Forever known as the patch where they finally nerfed Zoe, this patch also. 8.19 is this year's Worlds patch. Check out the final changes that'll impact the tournament!