Vesperia Ps3 English Patch Download


Nov 28, 2007
Noblesville, IN
Looks like initial translation is complete. More Videos and screens at the link.
Finally, after about half a year, we've finished our initial translation of all the text in the PS3 version of Tales of Vesperia. I won't lie, getting here hasn't exactly been entirely smooth, with some droughts of not a single new translated line for weeks, but everyone on the team is happy that we got this far.
That said, our work is far from done. There's still three full phases for our translation to undergo (translation verification, contextual review and editing), so the patch won't be out for a while. Right now we're starting the Translation Verification phase, in which we go over the text and confirm that it has been correctly translated, fixing any mistakes we happen to come across. I hope that the remaining phases will go faster than the first one, and while I can't give you any release date, I will give you some screenshots and clips from the current translation to hopefully shorten the wait a bit.

PS3 Tales of Vesperia -- English Translation. Discussion in 'PS3 News' started by STLcardsWS, Mar 21, 2015. By STLcardsWS on Mar 21, 2015 at 6:42 PM. PlayStation 3 (PS3). The Patch - Otherwise, you can download the patching tool on the main page after reading the information there carefully. If you are distributing this patch yourself, we would appreciate if you respected this decision and stopped doing so. If you want to play Tales of Vesperia with the PS3 content, please buy and support the official release of the Definitive Edition this Winter. PS3 English Translations Tales of Berseria Amazingly, a Russian translation group have been able to take the assets from the PC release of Tales of Berseria and patch the assets to the PS3 release of the game.

Tales of vesperia ps3 english patch download
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During the course of my recent interview with Colin Noga and Aaron Lindsay about their experience creating an English patch for Fatal Frame 4: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse, I learned about another fan translation in the works. While the pair was working on a translation patch for Tales of Graces (which was sadly canceled upon the announcement of Western localization), half of their team started up another project: a translation of the PlayStation 3 version of Tales of Vesperia.

Released in Japan back in 2009, Vesperia's PS3 version sports massive improvements over the original—including both a staggering amount of additional spoken dialogue and not one but two new playable characters.

According to head translator DS55, he, head programmer Pikachu025, and the rest of their team have been working on the project for a little over a year now. For the project, they are using the official Xbox 360 translation where available (which was conveniently hidden away in the PS3 version's code) and their own translations for the new content. As of posting, the script has been fully translated and is being checked for accuracy.

Tales Of Vesperia Ps3 English Patch Download


Like the Fatal Frame 4 patch, Vesperia's will also require an original copy of the game to play. And while the actual patch will only work on jailbroken PS3s with a Firmware 3.55 or lower, they are planning to release a text document of the translation so everyone can enjoy the game in English.


Tales Of Vesperia Ps3 English Patch Download

The Tales of Vesperia English patch has an expected release date of 'sometime this year.'